Giving a tip off and making further contact anonymously

These guidelines explain in more detail how to prepare for submitting an anonymous tip off, how to continue communicating anonymously, and how the FCCA processes tip offs.

Preparing for submitting a tip off 

Fill in and submit a tip off form 

  • If you are ready to answer any additional questions from the FCCA or to supplement your tip off later, check the “I want to remain anonymous” option.

  • After pressing the Submit button, you will receive a confirmation message that the FCCA has received your tip off.

  • In addition to receiving a confirmation of receipt, a link pointing to the message page will be displayed for anonymous further communication, and it will only be visible once. The link is long and cumbersome for security reasons.

    For example, you can save the link in your browser’s bookmarks or copy your device to the clipboard and save it in a separate file.

    If you fail to save the link for some reason, or if you lose it, you can fill in the tip off form again and make a mention to your previous message in it.

  • Finally, clear your browser’s temporary files and browsing history

Further communication

Open the link that you saved in 1–2 weeks and check whether you have received a message from the FCCA.

On the message page, you can

  • read additional questions sent to you
  • submit additional information to the FCCA or an answer a question
  • submit additional documents to the FCCA

Please note that

  • you can use the link to the message page several times
  • For security reasons, your message history will not remain visible, and only the last message will be displayed in the message field.
  • you can save a message chain, for example, by taking screenshots of the chain using a screenshot tool.

The FCCA will not always need to ask clarifiying questions: However, should this be the case, the FCCA will indicate this in the message field. In such a case, you can discard the link.


Processing of tip offs by the FCCA

The tip offs sent to the authority provide important information on the functioning of the market, and the authority will, if necessary, launch more detailed investigations based on them.

Each tip off will be reviewed, and an assessment will be made as to whether the authority will start an investigation into it in more detail. If the authority needs to ask clarifying questions, you will be asked to submit more information.

Please note that a tip off submitted here will not, as such, lead to the initiation of the case by the authority.  An actual request for action must be made in order for the case to be initiated by the authority.

If you wish, you can also contact the authority by phone: exchange +358 29 505 3000 (local landline charge, mobile network charge).