Consumer Ombudsman issues new guidelines on price indications

The Consumer Ombudsman has issued new guidelines for companies on how to indicate prices. These guidelines contain a summary of regulations and legal practice concerning service and price indications.

Price indications are heavily regulated. Some of these regulations are new and others have been in effect for longer. To simplify the application of the various regulations, the Consumer Ombudsman has updated its previous guidelines on price indications to bring them into line with current legislation, and has combined all of them into a single set of guidelines: Price indications of goods and services (in Finnish).

The objective is to provide companies with a useful and easy-to-use tool. The guidelines also contain a table as an attachment, informing companies of which act they should apply in any given situation.

The draft guidelines were made available for comments on the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority’s (FCCA) website in September 2014. The resulting comments were taken into account in the preparation of the actual guidelines, their structure, and the related attachment. The Consumer Ombudsman wishes to thank all of those who made comments.

The Consumer Ombudsman’s guidelines contain information and practical advice regarding the application of the provisions. They are based on legislation, preparatory work for legislation, and legal practice.

Guidelines Price indications of goods and services (in Finnish).