Miracle products

Miracle products are products that come with empty promises concerning their effects. In particular, they include slimming products and food supplements. They are usually marketed by appealing to people’s wish to improve their quality of life fast, easily and at a low cost. Watch out if the information about the product’s use and impacts seems unrealistic. 

Ordering miracle products often leads to a subscription trap

Sellers often say that miracle products are new scientific discoveries and promise incredible results from their use. Typical miracle products, such as food supplements or cosmetics, are usually marketed by e-mail and on the social media. The cheap introductory offer of a miracle product usually leads to a subscription trap: the consumer is tied to a long-term order which they did not want.

Marketing of food supplements

Food supplements are food products, and only authorised nutrition or health claims may be used in their marketing. There must be sufficient and reliable scientific evidence of the properties the seller claims they have, and the claims must be on the EU list of authorised claims. When marketing food supplements, no claims or references may be made concerning their properties related to preventing, treating or curing illnesses. This means that health claims may not be used when marketing food supplements, even if there is scientific evidence of their effects.