The Consumer Ombudsman´s Guidances

Ohjeistukset auttavat yrityksiä korjaamaan markkinoilla havaitut ongelmat, tai niissä kerrotaan uuden lainsäädännön tai ratkaisukäytännön vaikutuksista yritysten toimintaan.

Guidances help businesses address problems identified in the market or provides information about the impact of new legislation or case law on business operations.

The purpose of the guidance is to provide businesses with guidelines, advice, and information on the content and especially the practical application of legal provisions. The principles outlined in the guidance help companies operate in a lawful manner.

The Consumer Ombudsman may issue guidance for various reasons, including:

  • A problem has been identified in the operations of businesses in the market that the Consumer Ombudsman wants to address.
  • New legislation brings changes to consumer protection that businesses or a specific industry need to be aware of.
  • A court decision has introduced new legal guidelines for a particular industry, affecting industry practices.