What is a travel package?

When you buy several different types of travel services, such as a flight and a hotel, for one trip at a total price, this is a travel package. A cruise or a short language trip can also be a travel package.

What is a travel package?

A travel package includes at least two of the following services as part of the same trip or holiday, for which you pay an inclusive or total price:

  • transport: flight, bus, train, ship
  • accommodation
  • car or scooter rental
  • another type of travel service which forms a significant part of the total value of the trip (at least 25%) or an otherwise integral part of the trip or holiday. These can be concerts, sports events, excursions, guided tours, ski passes, rental of sports equipment, or spa treatments, for example.

The services can be provided by one or multiple service providers. The services form a package when

  • the travel services are purchased from a single point of sale and selected before payment
  • the travel services are offered, sold or charged at an inclusive or total price
  • the trip or holiday is advertised as a travel package or similar
  • the travel services are combined based on a voucher or other agreement made in advance
  • the individual travel services are booked via online booking systems of different service providers which are linked from the first provider’s online service, and in which the traveller’s name, payment details and e-mail address are automatically transferred and the contract is concluded no later than 24 hours after the confirmation of the first booking. In such case, the company that sold the first travel service is treated as the travel organiser and is responsible for the travel arrangements from the time of purchase until the end of the trip or holiday.

The travel organizer must tell the passenger if the purchased trip forms a travel package.

What is not a travel package?

A travel package comprises at least two travel services booked for the same trip journey or holiday. However, the following are not considered travel services forming a package:

  • trips lasting less than 24 hours and which do not include an overnight stay
  • separately purchased travel services with clearly separate selection and booking processes and separate contracts with individual travel service providers
  • financial services (e.g. travel insurance)
  • services that are an integral part of another travel service (e.g. luggage transportation or small-scale transport services such as guided visits or transport between hotel and airport)
  • meals, drinks, cleaning services and common facilities included in the accommodation (e.g. swimming pool, sauna, spa and gym).

The travel organiser is responsible for the whole package

The travel organiser is responsible for the entire travel package, for example services included in the holiday such as transport and accommodation.

Liability cannot be transferred to subcontractors used in the fulfilment of the package, such as transport operator, accommodation provider or other travel agency.