Consumer reviews

Companies publishing consumer reviews must disclose whether they have checked that the reviews have been submitted by real consumers who have purchased or used the product.

Consumer reviews published on the seller’s website must be based on purchases made by real consumers or actual experiences with the products in question. This requirement applies to reviews of goods and services and of such sales-related services as reliability and delivery times.

To promote sales, sellers may not

  • present fake consumer reviews or endorsements
  • commission others to submit consumer reviews or endorsements
  • manipulate consumer reviews or endorsements published on social media. There must be justified reasons for rejecting, editing or deleting a review, such as inappropriate language or reasonable doubts about the authenticity of the review.

Companies publishing consumer reviews must inform consumers

  • whether it has been checked that the reviews are from consumers who have actually used or purchased the product or service
  • how the authenticity of the consumer review has been ensured. If the company does not check the authenticity of the consumer reviews, it must state that it has not ensured their authenticity.

Is the consumer review authentic?

Consumer reviews may help you to select the right product or service but they are also used to promote sales and occasionally, attempts are made to influence the reviews by inappropriate means.

When you use reviews left by other consumers to compare alternatives

  • use search engines and multiple sources to find information
  • if possible, compare reviews on different review sites.

Remember that it can be difficult to distinguish between a real consumer review and a fake review. Fake reviews can also contain criticism.

When assessing the reliability of the review, ask yourself the following questions:

  • When did the product or service become available? Has the review been published so early that very little user experience has accumulated by that date?
  • Does the review concern the product or service that you are planning to buy?
  • Has the company, product or service suddenly received a large number of positive or negative reviews?
  • Why is the review submitted?
  • What do you know about the reviewer?
  • Do you know whether the reviewer or the reviewed company is able to delete or edit the reviews? Are all reviews published?